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[1]Deshui Yu and Jingbiao Chen

Optical clock with millihertz linewidth based on a phase-matching effect

Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 98, 050801 (2007). 

[2]Deshui Yu and Jingbiao Chen

Magnetic-field-assisted stimulated laser cooling in the (1+3)-level atomic system

Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 76, 023425 (2007).


[3]Wenguo Wu and Jingbiao Chen

Atomic Spectrum in Ramsey Four Separated Interation Fields
Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.16 (4), pp598-602(2007).

[4]Wenguo Wu and Jingbiao Chen

Long time dynamical behavior of alternative current Stark effect
Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol. 24 (9), pp2559-1561(2007).


[5]Yu Deshui, Zhuang Wei and Chen Jingbiao

Microlaser with Ramsey separated fields cavity

Chin. Phys. Lett., 24(6), pp 1498-1501 (2007).

[6]Wei Zhuang, Deshui Yu, Zhenhui Chen, Kaikai Huang, and Jingbiao Chen

Proposed Active Optical Frequency Standards based on Magneto-optical Trap Trapped Atoms

Proc. of 2007 European Freq. and Time Forum & IEEE Int'l Frequency Control Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, May 29 - June 1, 2007. pp. 96-99.

[7]Junhai Zhang and Jingbiao Chen

Two-photon ac-Stark effect in Raman-Ramsey Interactions

Proc. of 2007 European Freq. and Time Forum & IEEE Int'l Frequency Control Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, May 29 - June 1, 2007. pp.49-51.